Civil IPT Programs – Chennai
( Powered by UNIQ Technologies )
Certificate for IPT + All Study Materials
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Civil Inplant Training – Chennai
Day 1: Design of Residential Building
- Area of the Residential Building.
- Two Dimensional Plan of Residential Building.
- Centerline Drawing oF Residential Building
- Design of Column Size.
- Design of Footing Size.
- Total Numbers of Columns in Residential Building.
- Column Footing Drawing of Building.
- Reference of Column and Footing.
- Mix Ratio For Column and Footing.
- Reinforcement Details.
Day 2: Commercial Building Analysis
- Total Area of the Commercial Building.
- Design of Footing in 2D Modelling for Commercial Building.
- The layout of Column and Footing for Commercial Building.
- Reinforcement Details for Column, Footing, Beam, and Slab for Commercial Building.
Day 3: Site Visiting
- Basic Civil Engineering and Its Application.
- Estimation and Surveying.
- Excavation and Foundation Working.
- Footing and Reinforcement Work.
- Design of Concrete and Its Mix Ratio Details.
- Masonry Works and Lintel Works.
- Design of Column, Beam, and Slab.
- Plastering and Mortar Ratio Details.
- Painting Works.
Day 4: Structural Health Monitoring
- Temperature Sensor
- Humidity Sensor
- Inclanation Sensor
- Tilt Sensor
- Strain Sensor
- PH Sensor
- Soil Moisture
- Float Sensor
DAY 5: Curve Fitting, Geometric Appl & Civil Inspection Soil
- CFTOOL [Curve Fitting Tool]
- Splines Application
- Line Detection
- Geometric Features Based Civil
- Angle Measurement
- Object Area Calculation
- Corner Detection
- Shape Recognition
- Object Classification
- Building / Wall – Crack Detection

Get Your Inplant Training
Why IPT at Student Bazaar? (Powered by UNIQ Technologies)
For civil engineering UNIQ TECHNOLOGIES syllabus have designed and constructed that students need to function easily and efficiently. UNIQ TECHNOLOGIES is the only institution from which even a student from civil background can complete certification with sufficient knowledge.
For the mass constructors the classes starts with soil object measurements, using mat lab. And UNIQ TECHNOLOGIES is the only organization where laboratory facility is available even for the civil department candidates, the infrastructure provide the best part in filling up the knowledge with talented trainers. Student has flown from across the globe to UNIQ TECHNOLOGIES to learn. Inplant Training in Tirunelveli will help to grow higher.
Providing knowledge is the main objective of UNIQ, the certification is ISO’s pinned up with NASCOM. The syllabus even covers land slide defect identification using flex sensor from which student learn more about sensor and their behavior.
UNIQ TECHNOLOGIES is proud in providing the Android Application Development to civil candidates, through which a student can learn about how android applications, how to work with Integrated development environment and to deploy in play store. Student gain more stuffs from limited amount.
As their more engineers from civil department and very less institution like UNIQ TECHNOLOGIES who provides an ISO Certificates for Inplant training in Coimbatore with peak knowledge in less amount.