Bio Final Year Projects
( Powered by UNIQ Technologies )

Excellent Training

Placement Assistance

Bio Medical & Bio Technology Final Year Projects at Students Bazaar
Pojects in Matlab
Matlab –image processing internship program (10 days)
- Introduction to matlab
- Introduction to image processing
- Installation of matlab software
- Command window, workspace, command history
- Plots
- Explanation of sup –Plotting functions
- Importing and displaying images
- Converting between image types
- Exporting images
- Image Filtering
- Morphological Filtering
- Edge detection using different algorithms
- Image segmentation
- Graphical user interface development environment
Matlab –image processing program (5 days)
- Introduction to matlab
- Introduction to image processing
- Installation of matlab software
- Command window, workspace, command history
- Plots
- Explanation of sup –Plotting functions
- Importing and displaying images
- Converting between image types
- Exporting images
- Image Filtering
- Graphical user interface development environment
- Project work -1
- Project work -2
- Project work -1
- Project work -2
- Project work -3
- Project work -4
IEEE 2017 Projects in MATLAB
Why Matlab at Uniq Technologies
MATLAB is primarily used for the ECE,EEE and E&I students for their practical session.MATLAB is nothing but matrix laboratory which uses high level languages of programing like c,c++ and fortran.The students lab deals with MATLAB and many students in their college wouldn’t get hands on training on it. Why internship on matlab at uniq?UNIQ is an ISO certified institute which provides various training for the students of all departments.We have high tech lab facilities to cater the studentsneeds.An internship done in matlab can help the students who enrolled on this to enhance their knowledge and skills on matlab.They are given training by professionals and the tutors over here help the students to understand the concept,assign them tasks and also help them on their assignments.You can also focus on doing a mini project on matlab at UNIQ with a rational work environment.We give the IEEE projects to work upon and provide guidance and support to the students.We always be practical and nothing being theoretical so you would never get bored at the internship.But still you have free aptitude training and mock interviews during this period. You would be given project completion certificate and internship certificate at the end of the training period and you will be packed with so much of skills,dexterity and knowledge.
Embedded Systems
Part 1: Hands on developed functional training:
On the first part, our employee will train you on sophisticated Embedded technologies such as ,
• Introduction to Embedded C,
• Interfacing Circuit Description of 16 x 2 LCD,
• Programming of 16 x 2 LCD,
• Interfacing 4×4 key board matrix
Part 2: Real time project Implementation:
On the second part, interns will be assigned to do a real time project under the guidance of their supervisors.
After completing the task, the project supervisor will reconsider the interns’ technical skills and reconsider the new applied project.
exceptional award will be given to the spectacular performers.
IEEE 2017 Projects in Embedded
Why Embedded Systems at Uniq Technologies
MATLAB is primarily used for the ECE,EEE and E&I students for their practical session.MATLAB is nothing but matrix laboratory which uses high level languages of programing like c,c++ and fortran.The students lab deals with MATLAB and many students in their college wouldn’t get hands on training on it. Why internship on matlab at uniq?UNIQ is an ISO certified institute which provides various training for the students of all departments.We have high tech lab facilities to cater the studentsneeds.An internship done in matlab can help the students who enrolled on this to enhance their knowledge and skills on matlab.They are given training by professionals and the tutors over here help the students to understand the concept,assign them tasks and also help them on their assignments.You can also focus on doing a mini project on matlab at UNIQ with a rational work environment.We give the IEEE projects to work upon and provide guidance and support to the students.We always be practical and nothing being theoretical so you would never get bored at the internship.But still you have free aptitude training and mock interviews during this period. You would be given project completion certificate and internship certificate at the end of the training period and you will be packed with so much of skills,dexterity and knowledge.