Mechanical IPT Programs – Bangalore
( Powered by UNIQ Technologies )
Certificate for IPT + All Study Materials

Excellent Training

Placement Assistance

We are available to help you 24/7 on all queries and assistance on MECH Courses for your convenience.
Syllabus for Mechanical IPT
Student Bazaar offers In-Plant Training for Mechanical Engineering Students. Get in Touch with us for a list of companies in which we offer In-plant Training. Get more details about In-Plant training in Chennai, Coimbatore. Tirunelveli, Tirupati
Lathe Works
- Job Loading
- Job Process
- Lathe Types
- Instruments
- Drawing Study
- Geometric Measurement
- Milling Machine Work
Conveyor Model
- IR (Infra Red) Sensor
- Bottle Filling Application
- DC Motor
- Elevator Control
Why IPT at Students Bazaar?
(Powered By UNIQ Technologies)
“The World Is Getting shrinks With the Fastest Technological Growth”
As the world is moving with the technological growth there are advanced software’s where colleges aren’t able to provide that software to the students. A student can learn about those advanced IDE’s (Integrated Development Environment) about how they work, how they interact with interface, what is difference between existing and proposed software’s only from Inplant Training in Coimbatore for Mechanical and Inplant Training in Chennai for IT by paying limited amount, getting more knowledge from well Trained Trainer’s.
- An In Plant Training makes the student’s to understand the working environment of companies by feeding knowledge through practical and as well as Technical.
- An In Plant Training changes the lifestyle of students who wish to dream high and come out with flying colors
- An In Plant Training makes the students understand where exactly and in which direction student needs to be focused.
- An In Plant Training makes the student recognize the value of work and its importance, in this competitive world.
- An In Plant Training act as a pathway to student career, by giving exact scenario with proper guidance in a limited amount.
- An In Plant Training is the new methodology of the modern era, where even most of the MNC companies seeking a student who has their done IPT from a certified company like UNIQ Technologies.
- An In Plant Training adds credit points to students in their college curriculum.
- An In Plant Training acts as a backbone in student’s life by providing the technical knowledge with the process of today’s modern era.
We UNIQ Technologies are proud in providing this valuable In Plant Training to the students from the past eight years. Through this students molds himself into the right direction with flying colors.